Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Curriculum Modules

Elementary Curriculum Outline
Elementary Education: Grades 4-5

There are 2 curriculum options:

1.        Fall unit (2-3 weeks)

2.        4th & 5th grade stretch spring through fall

The overall goal of each unit is to teach students different aspects of biology, social studies, math and language arts using the apple and IPM theme.

The 1st curriculum option, the fall unit, is heavily interdisciplinary and would be suited for an enclosed classroom.  For about 2 and a half weeks, all of the students’lessons would be based around the apple and IPM theme.  There would only be one field trip to the orchard, early in the unit.

The 2nd curriculum option, the 4th & 5th grade stretch, is focused more on the science and social studies subjects.  Students would have a biology-focused lesson in the spring of 4th grade, followed by a field trip to the orchard.  A lesson to tie in the prior knowledge and the field trip knowledge would follow the field trip.  Then, in the fall, the students would take a trip back to the orchard to see the apple development.  They would then do a project tying in economics to IPM.

There are advantages to each curriculum option.

1.        This option ties in all lessons to one topic/theme.  Engages students wholly and they can concentrate on one subject even though they are learning a variety of information (mathematics, language arts, and art included).

2.        This option is spread out over a longer time period, which can ensure more memorable learning.  To use this option, teachers must have good communication with each other in order to make sure unit is carried out in the fall of 5th grade.

Breakdown of the Units


Timeline of Activities:

1. Basic web search of IPM practices

2. Reading of articles about IPM

3. Field trip to orchard: study of IPM strategies, equipment, and implementation

4. Classroom lecture concerning pests/organisms

Language Arts


1. Chart stating pros & cons of IPM

2. Written essay: Persuasive article for or against IPM

3. Journal of fieldwork (drawings, notes, reflections)

3a. Written Thank-You letter to orchard operators


1 two-part lesson: Fractions & Whole Numbers

Examples of Word Problems

Social Studies

2 Mini-Projects:

Economics- Needs & Wants

Geography- Choice of

1. Weather,

2. Plants & Animals

3. Resources & the Community

Choice will be incorporated into final project.


-Included in journal-

Choice Visual for Final Project

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