Outline for IPM Curriculum:

Full year, Environmental Science classroom, High School


I. Environmental issues/problems

A.     Cause and effect

B.     Current vs. past

1. Possible future

C.    Prevention and maintenance overview

Suggested activity


II. Scientific systems

A.     Scientific method

Suggested activity


III. Matter and Energy

A.     Laws

B.     Overview

C.    Review prior knowledge from chemistry and biology (if they’ve taken it by 10th grade…)

Suggested activity


IV. Ecosystems

A.     Populations, communities

B.     Food chains and webs

C.    Energy flow

1. Life cycles

a. Carbon, nitrogen, oxygen all important

b. Geo-chemical cycles

Suggested activity


V. Evolution and biodiversity

            A.    Macro and micro

B.     Theories

Suggested activity


VI. Biogeography, climate, and weather

A.     Niches, habitats

B.     Biomes

C.    Weather patterns

1. Water currents

2. Wind

Suggested activity


VII. Ecosystem dynamics

A.     Species

1. Nonnative or exotic

2. Indicator and keystone

B.     Competition

1. Inter- and intraspecific

2. Competition for food

3. Competition for sunlight

4. Competition for habitats

C.    Symbiosis

[Sample Lesson Plan- Earthworm Dissection]


VIII. Population dynamics

A.     Carrying capacity

B.     Growth rates

1. Exponential vs. logistic curves

C.    Biotic potential and environmental resistance

D.    What causes changes in ecosystems

E.     Speciation

[Sample Lesson Plan- Apple Maggot Case study]


IX. Human Population

A.     Growth

1. Factors affecting growth

a. Birth and death rates

       2. Age structure histograms?

B.     Demography

C.    Population distribution

D.    Carrying capacity

Suggested activity


X. Biodiversity

A.     Extinction

1. Risks

2. Causes

3. Laws (international, national, state, local)

B.     Endangered animals and plants

C.    Effect of humans on biodiversity

D.    Wildlife management

1. Land management (public)

a. Conservation

b. Problems

c. Wilderness

       2. Forest management

a. Tree harvesting

b. Fires, importance

3. Other habitat/environment management

E.     Gap analysis and ecological hesitation

F.     Preservation

1. Human encroachment and sustainable management

[Sample Lesson Plan- Transpiration Lab]


XI. Earth science/ geology

A.     Geologic processes

1. Plate tectonics

2. Rock cycle

a. Rocks and minerals

B.     Erosion and weathering

C.    Volcanoes, earthquakes, natural disasters

D.    Soil

1. Formation

2. Profiles

3. Characteristics

E.     Global warming and ozone depletion

1. Causes and solutions

Suggested activity


XII. Renewable resources

A.     Alternative sources of energy

1. Solar

2. Hydroelectric

3. Wind power

4. Biomass

5. Solar- hydrogen

6. Geothermal energy

7. Micro power

B.     Sustainable energy use

Suggested activity


XIII. Nonrenewable resources

A.     Identifying, locating, removing nonrenewable minerals

1. Mining

a. Types and effects

B.    Oil

1. Extraction, refinement, and use

C.    Natural gas

D.    Coal

E.     Nuclear energy

Suggested activity


IVX. Water Resources

A.     Properties of water

B.     Types

1. Fresh and salt

C.    Water shortages

D.    Dams

1. Flooding and floodplain management

E.     Desalinization

F.     Irrigation

G.    Solutions to overuse of water

1. Effects and causes of overuse

Suggested activity


VX. Water Pollution

A.     Water sources

1. Stream, groundwater, and ocean pollution

B.     Types

1. Point and nonpoint sources

C.    Prevention

1. Wastewater treatment

Suggested activity


VIX. Toxic and Solid Waste

A.     Types

1. Municipal solid waste (MSW)

2. Hazardous

B.     Disposal

1. Detoxifying, burning, burying, and exporting

2. Land disposal

C.    Regulations

D.    Prevention

1. Reduce, reuse, recycle

Suggested activity


VIIX. Air Pollution

A.     Outdoor

1. Smog, inversions, acid deposition

B.     Indoor

1. Types, sources, effect on human health

C.    Solutions and prevention

Suggested activity


VIIIX. Climate Change and Ozone Depletion

A.     Natural Greenhouse Effect

B.     Global warming

C.    Ozone depletion

D.    Causes and solutions to all 3

1. Effects on human health

Suggested activity



IXX. Human Health

A.     Toxic and hazardous substances

1. Biological and chemical

B.     Diseases

C.    Risk analysis

Suggested activity


XX. Food Resources and Production

A.     Food production and nutrition

1. Healthy Food Choices

2. Increasing crop production

a. Genetic engineering

b. Irrigation

       3. Meat production

4. Positive and negative effects

B.     Boundaries

1. Biological, physical, and social

Suggested activity


XIX. Pesticides

A.     History

B.     Types

C.    Regulations

1. National and local

D.    Pros and Cons

E.     Alternatives

F.     IPM

[Sample Lesson Plan- Journal Club]


XIIX. Economics, Politics, Ethics, and Environment

A.     Dealing with environmental policy

B.     Problem solving

C.    Environmental education

D.    Issues around IPM

Suggested activity