Invited Speaker Abstracts


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Alex Soldatov

Harvard University




Several experimental protocols (UV irradiation, doping with alkali metals, subjection to high pressure at elevated temperatures) are used to produce polymeric phases of fullerene C60 based on covalently bonded buckyballs. C60 in polymeric state exhibits profound changes of the physical properties in comparison to the pristine material. The present lecture will deal with some of the recent advances in research on fullerene polymers. We review structure and physical properties of one- and two-dimensional polymers of C60 and present the results of high-resolution dilatometry, NMR, FTIR/Raman spectroscopy and thermal conductivity studies of the polymeric phases of C70 which we have recently synthesized. The results are discussed in terms of existing structural models for polymerization of C60 and C70.



Joerg Appenzeller

IBM Watson Research Center


Beyond Silicon Technology: Electrical Transport in Carbon Nanotubes


In past years opinions about the ultimate scaling limits of MOSFETs have often been revised and experimentalists have proven that aggressive scaling results in high performance devices in the sub-50nm channel regime. Nobody can answer the question right now how many more generations of transistors will exist and whether there will be a technology replacing CMOS somewhen. However, if there is a candidate with an excellent chance to potentially yield a new type of electronic devices, it is the carbon nanotube - a new material class which was discovered 1991 by Iijima. Over the past years carbon nanotubes – hollow cylindrical objects of carbon atoms in a honeycomb lattice - have proven to exhibit extraordinary properties in many aspects. They were found to be suitable as tips in atomic force microscopes, as electron emitters for flat panel displays, they can work as storage for hydrogen and they have proven to work as sensors as well. Perhaps the most striking and fascinating property however is, that they can be metallic as well as semiconducting, just depending on the arrangement of carbon atoms on the cylinder surface. This means they are intriguing building block for a potential future nanoelectronics.


In this talk I will introduce how the electrical properties of carbon nanotubes can be understood as a result of the quantization of modes along the circumference of the cylindrical structure. It will become clear how this results in semiconducting and metallic behavior respectively. Using a metallic tube as an example it will be discussed how the quasi one-dimensional nature of nanotubes Рobjects with a diameter of only 14Πand a length in the micrometer range Рresults in very long ballistic mean free path lengths for electron transport. In the last part of the talk semiconducting tubes are used as elements to build nanotube-FETs. The performance of these transistors will be compared with silicon MOSFETs. As will be shown, there is a significant potential for carbon nanotubes as transistors in logic applications without establishing a new circuit paradigm.



Susanne Yelin

Harvard University


“Freezing” Light:  Trapping and Storage of Light States in Atoms


Light waves are the fast and robust carriers of classical and quantum information. But their main strength is their main weakness: Photons do not interact with each other in free space and are difficult to localize or even store.Modern quantum optical techniques allow one to control the propagation of one light beam by another, to localize, stop and otherwise manipulate light pulses in a medium. This is accomplished by making an optically opaque medium transparent with the help of quantum mechanical coherence and interference effects. In this talk I will explain the underlying principles of these phenomena, review the latest theoretical and experimental results, and give an outlook as to where this research might lead in future.



George E. Ewing

Department of Chemistry, Indiana University



Ice manifests itself in myriad ways:  The beauty of snow flakes, a medium for sculpture, a habitat, a fuel source, a critical role in climate change, etc.  Current research focuses on three poorly understood aspects of ice: How it freezes (nucleation), its chemistry (clathrate formation), and why it is slippery (surface properties).  The illustrated lecture is for a general audience with special appeal for those who are curious. The presentation will consist of six vignettes: Kepler Takes a Walk,Geometry, Sun Dogs, Flammable!, Cat’s Cradle, and Worms.




Randy Headrick

University of Vermont

Cornell University


Real-time X-ray Scattering Studies of thin-film growth and surface patterning


Ion and plasma-assisted film growth and etching are commonly used during epitaxial growth and processing in a variety of materials systems.  Examples include  metals, semiconductors, and dielectric materials.  However a fundamental understanding of many of these processes is still emerging. Control at an atomic scale is a high priority for future functional nanostructured devices.  In this talk, I will review our recent work at the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Source in this area.   Two topics will be presented:  First is the nucleation and growth of epitaxial GaN on sapphire (0001).  Use of reactive or energetic species for the nitrogen precursor has a profound impact on the growth mode and crystalline perfection of the GaN film.  The second topic is the formation of ripples on SiO2 glass during Ar+  sputter-etching.  A curvature dependent etch rate by the ions is countered by a wavelength-dependent smoothing mechanism leading to a preferred wavelength of roughness.  These systems have been studied by a combination of time-resolved x-ray scattering and scanning probe microscopy.  The results highlight how control of atomic-scale surface processes can be achieved by energetic beams of ions.




David Weitz

Harvard University


New Insights into Hard Problems with Soft Materials- Imaging Phase Transitions


This talk will present results of studies of both crystallization and the glass transition performed by real-space imaging of individual particles in colloidal suspensions, providing rich new insight into the behavior of these most fundamental phase transitions.



Sally Jean and Frederick Wolf

Keene State College


Project INSPIRE, Bringing Inquiry-Based Learning into the Classroom


            What is inquiry-based science teaching?  What are the National Science Education Standards?  How can we, as teachers, enhance the learning of our students, K-16?  Keene State College has received a National Science Foundation Grant to address these questions, specifically directed at pre-service and middle school teachers.

            Come and get your hands wet and see what it’s all about!!!




Brian Holton

President - NJ Section of AAPT

Physics Teacher, Pascack Valley Regional HS


Physics Educational Reform in the High School – A Look from All Sides of the Fence


After over a decade of physics teaching at the university level at Rutgers University, six years of founding and operating a children’s science museum, four years of high school teaching, and being president of NJAAPT off and on for a number of years, I find myself uniquely qualified on commenting about the state of educational reform in the United States as it pertains to physics.  So often secondary initiatives and lip service comes from faculty at our universities without the involvement of high school teachers. They mean well, and can do great things with their clout and knowledge, but are often misguided since they simply have no idea of the constraints imposed upon the secondary system.  Few have entered the high school arena and recognize the difficulties involved in change.  And one often questions why don’t high school teachers rise to the call, or why don’t the teachers and administrators take command and change the current situation themselves?  State and national standards, AP Physics courses and tests, professional associations, college admissions and the plethora of other factors that come into play affect change - and not always for the better.  The call to arms has been long sounded – and what has the physics community has accomplished to meet the call?  I will explore the many factors that stand in the way of change and what needs to be done to overcome these obstacles.



Richard J. Staples

Harvard Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology


Novel Applications of X-ray Crystallographic Techniques


            This presents some applications of single crystal x-ray diffraction that have been used to solve chemical questions.  Inorganic Chemists have used X-ray diffraction to study chemical problems since the sixties. Here I present some instances where x-ray diffraction only can give you the answers you need to solve the chemical questions. The use of X-ray diffraction has been increasing for the organic chemists in the past years.  This has been brought on by new technology which has increased turn around time for analysis.  The obvious use of single crystal x-ray diffraction in organic chemistry will be examined, chiral determination and relative stereo chemistry.  Examples of more advance problems include ring closure and ring confirmation. Also shown will be the formation of chiral reagents and binding site observations.  This then leads us to the theoretical aspects where modeling of  binding sites, 1HNMR identification and MM2 calculations can be examined in relation to the x-ray crystal structure.



Peter Lindenfeld

Rutgers University

Structure and content in undergraduate physics


In spite of many excellent attempts at reform, undergraduate physics has changed surprisingly little over many decades. The lecture-recitation-laboratory format, and the physics major curriculum have shown themselves to be particularly resistant to change. I will describe some experiments at Rutgers with structural changes whose aim is to make our teaching more responsive and more effective. These include mechanisms to make lectures more interactive, to decouple recitations from standard homework problems, to improve the learning that takes place in the laboratory, and to integrate the various components of the course more closely. To the usual `professional' curriculum we have added a general major, an applied physics major, a joint program with engineering, and, this year, an astro major, to increase our student population by a substantial factor. There is also a Math and Science learning Center which supports all our activities. There is a school of thought that says that it doesn't matter what you teach because there is so much. I will touch on different criteria that might be used to help to decide on themes, on what to include, and what to leave out.



Fredrick Stein

Director of Education and Outreach

APS National Office




The American Physical Society (APS), in partnership with the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT) and the American Institute of Physics (AIP) has recently received two grants which will enable these professional societies to create a nationwide initiative to dramatically improve the science preparation of future teachers. Called the Physics Teacher Education Coalition (PhysTEC), this initiative requires that college and university physics departments work in collaboration with education departments and schools. The initial set of six primary institutions that share a strong commitment to revise their teacher preparation programs have been selected: Ball State University, Oregon State University, University of Arizona, University of Arkansas, Western Michigan University, and Xavier University of Louisiana. More sites will be added in the future. In addition to assisting colleges and universities with improving the preparation of future elementary and secondary teachers of physical science and physics at all levels, APS/AAPT/AIP will broadly disseminate the best practices developed through these efforts and assist other interested colleges and universities with their own program. A five-year, $5.76 million grant was awarded by the National Science Foundation, and the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE) in the U.S. Department of Education has awarded PhysTEC a three-year, $498,000, grant. The FIPSE grant will enhance the evaluation, induction and dissemination components of the PhysTEC program that have proven to be successful in making long-term positive changes in teacher preparation. Others include:


*          A Teacher-in-Residence program that provides for a local K-12 science teacher to become a full-time participant in assisting faculty with both team-teaching and course revisions

*          A long-term, active collaboration between the physics department, the education department, and the local school community

*          The redesign of content and pedagogy of targeted physics courses based on results from physics education research as well as utilization of appropriate interactive technologies

*          The redesign of content and pedagogy for elementary and secondary science methods courses with an emphasis on inquiry-based, hands-on, approaches to teaching and learning

*      The establishment of a mentoring program for TIRs and other Master Teachers designed to meet the needs of an induction experience for novice science teachers. This includes the participation of physics faculty in increasing and improving a wide array of school experiences.




Contributed Paper Abstracts


Session AA - Contributed Poster Session I.

POSTER session, Friday afternoon, November 02
Lantern Room,
Student Center, 5-6:30

Session Chair: J. R. Harkay, Keene State College


[AA.001] A Variable Temperature Student Refractometer for the Study of Fluids in the Liquid and Frozen State

W.Travis Lau, Samantha Minc, R.G. Tobin (Tufts University)

While refractive index measurements of transparent fluids and solids are routine, there have been relatively few such measurements on fluids in their frozen state. We have designed and built a simple device to measure the refractive index of frozen liquids. It consists of a trapezoidal prism cell housed in a small vacuum chamber. The cell can be filled with a liquid and cooled to temperatures below -100°C. By measuring the deflection of a He:Ne laser beam as it passes through the cell, we can determine the index of refraction of the fluid to an accuracy of ±0.005 and monitor changes as the fluid is frozen. This versatile system can accurately measure the refractive index of many common transparent fluids, and provides excellent student training in optics, vacuum techniques and error analysis. Measurements in the frozen state are much more challenging because of the difficulty of obtaining clear crystals. We are able to obtain uniformly clear crystals of water ice by cooling the sample slowly while bubbling nitrogen gas through the liquid, and observed the change in refractive index on crystallization.


[AA.002] On the Measurements of Small Amplitude Side-Branch Spacing at the Dendrite Tip

Stephanie DeChiaro, Kara Gormley, Matthew Koss (College of the Holy Cross), Martin Glicksman (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute), Jeffrey LaCombe (University of Nevada at Reno)

The focus of this ongoing research is to analyze the tip region of dendrites in order to find out if there is evidence of side-branching in the "smooth" tip regime. More recently it has been reported that the dendrites do not grow at a steady-state velocity, and that there are growth velocity oscillations at the tip. Extracting a smooth curve from the dendrite, we measured correlations in the deviation between the actual dendritic interface and the smooth reference as a function of arclength. These results constitute a wavenumber spectrum of perturbations at the dendrite tip. One way to quantify the side-branch structure is to measure the distance between adjacent side-branches, which we call the side-branch spacing, \lambda. Results show that the inverse of these wavenumbers, which is a spacing, when scaled by the tip radius, yields \lambda _tip-wavenumber/R = 3.1. This is about the same as the measured side-branch spacing of \lambda _side-branching/R = 2.9. This constitutes the first experimental evidence that there is side-branch activity at the tip.


[AA.003] Dependence on Excitation Density of Multiphonon Decay in Er-doped ZBLAN Glass

Kenneth Bycenski (Brandeis University), John Collins (Wheaton College)

The dependence of multiphonon decay of rare earth ions in solids on the intensity of the pump beam, first reported by Auzel et al., is examined for the 4S3/2 and 2H11/2 levels of Er-doped ZBLAN glass. Using a frequency-doubled, Q-switched Nd:YAG laser as a pump source, the kinetics of the 4S3/2 level was studied at different pump intensities and temperatures. Lifetime curves show a rise time, which represents the feeding of the 4S3/2 level by the 2H11/2, and a decay time that vary with the intensity of the pump beam, i.e. on the concentration of excited centers. The measured decay times of the 4S3/2 are consistent with those previously reported [2]. In this poster we report on the temperature dependence of this process, and we look at the dependence of the feeding of the 4S3/2 level as pump intensity changes. A rate equation model shows that the intensity dependence of the rise time on pump intensity is due, in part, to a slowing down of the nonradiative decay from the 2H11/2 level as the pump intensity is increased. We discuss these results in terms of the phonon bottleneck mechanism proposed in reference 1. 1. F. Auzel and F. Pelle, Phys. Rev. B 55, 17 (1106-09) 1997. 2. F Auzel, private communications.


[AA.004] Balance between deposition, sputtering, etching and ion implant in plasma-based material processing

Michael Bradley, Shu Qin, Peter Kellerman (Axcelis Technologies, Inc., Beverly, MA), Plasma Sources Group Team

Plasma-based processes are widely used in the semiconductor industry and other industries and research areas to modify electrical, mechanical, and optical properties of surfaces. In typical plasma-based processes, at least four distinct physical phenomena contribute, namely: deposition, sputtering, etching, and ion implant. Depending on the processing regime, these phenomena contribute to different extents. In addition to their basic value for the study of plasma-surface interactions, studies of these phenomena can be of great practical utility, since the capabilities of plasma-based processes depend upon the plasma parameters. This paper reviews these different processes, and discusses simple quantitative models for each. These models are then applied to the analysis and understanding of recent experimental results.


[AA.005] Symmetry-Breaking and Dispersion of C_60 in Blends with PMMA

Meghan McKenna, Virginia Long (Physics Dept, Colby College, Waterville ME), Rachel Austin (Chemistry Dept, Bates College, Lewiston, ME), Barry Jones (Chemistry Dept, Binghamton University, Binghamton, NY)


In mixtures with polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), C_60 (Buckminsterfullerene) displays evidence of symmetry breaking as well as solvent dispersion effects. FTIR spectroscopy experiments were made on paraffin pellets of the mixture. A 1 cm^-1 shift to higher frequency was observed in the 526 and 576 cm^-1 vibrational modes of C_60 when the concentration of C_60 in PMMA was reduced from ~5% to ~1%. At low temperature, fine splitting of the 526 cm^-1 mode became evident.


[AA.006] An Inexpensive Biophysics Laboratory Apparatus for Acquiring Pulmonary Function Data with Clinical Applications

Gregory Harkay (student: Keene High School and Keene State College)

Interest on the part of the Physics Department at KSC in developing a computer interfaced lab with appeal to biology majors and a need to perform a clinical pulmonological study to fulfill a biology requirement led to the author's undergraduate research project in which a recording spirometer (typical cost: $15K) was constructed from readily available materials and a typical undergraduate lab computer interface. Simple components, including a basic photogate circuit, CPU fan, and PVC couplings were used to construct an instrument for measuring flow rates as a function of time. Pasco software was used to build an experiment in which data was collected and integration performed such that one could obtain accurate values for FEV1 (forced expiratory volume for one second) and FVC (forced vital capacity) and their ratio for a large sample of subjects. Results were compared to published norms and subjects with impaired respiratory mechanisms identified. This laboratory exercise is one with which biology students can clearly identify and would be a robust addition to the repertoire for a HS or college physics or biology teaching laboratory.


[AA.007] Incident Angle Dependence of Photoinduced Surface Relief Gratings on Azobenzene Containing Polymers

Adam Cooney (Keene State College), Research Experience for Undergraduates Collaboration

The formation of surface relief gratings (SRG's) on azobenzene containing polymers using low intensity writing beams has been shown to be dependent on the polarization of the incident beams. This photonic mechanism is believed to be due to the trans-cis-trans isomerization in the polymers and, as proposed by Kumar, Tripathy, and coworkers, the gradient force of the superimposed beams. The nature of this investigation involves a two-beam experiment using parallel polarizations at different incident angles, corresponding to grating periods above and below 1 micron. The purpose is to determine whether the incident angle of the writing beams plays a significant role in the surface modulation or the diffraction efficiency of the gratings.


[AA.008] The Effect of Spatially Filtered Optical Feedback on a Photorefractive Oscillator

Endri Trajani, Hong Lin

We have studied the behavior of a unidirectional photorefractive ring resonator. When the cavity is slowly detuned, coexistence of two cavity modes is observed. As spatially filtered feedback is added to the resonator, the symmetry of the transverse beam pattern can be broken, depending on the relative phase between the oscillating beam and feedback signal. The observations are in agreement with existing theoretical and numerical analysis. Further experimental studies are to be continued.

[AA.009] Radio Source Correlations with Large-Scale Structure
Batuski, D. J., Krughoff, K. S., U. Maine, Melott, A. L., U. Kansas
David J. Batuski, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Maine, Orono ME 04469-5709     

The much improved and enlarged sample of clusters from the MX Northern Abell Cluster Redshift Survey was the basis for a study of the correlation of the radio properties of clusters with large-scale structure. We have tested the hypothesis that the presence and properties of radio sources of various types within clusters could be partially the result of larger scale processes, such as the merger of clusters and the infall of matter from more extended structures. Images from the NVSS, as well as catalogs of radio objects from the literature, were used to determine numbers of point and extended sources within each of the R > 0 clusters in the sample, which is more than 95% complete in measured redshifts. We present the results of local spatial cluster analyses, which show statistically significant influence of the environments of clusters on radio characteristics of their member galaxies, a remarkable correlation of large-scale structure with phenomena on scales at least 5 orders of magnitude smaller.

DJB and KSK gratefully acknowledge support for this research
from NASA through the Maine Space Grant Consortium.




Abstracts of Contributed Papers (oral presentation) NES-APS


Session BA - Physics Education.

ORAL session, Saturday morning, November 03
 Rhodes Hall 212

Session Chair: Martina Arndt, Bridgewater State College


[BA.001] 8:00 Conceptually Transparent Experiments for Introducing NMR

Jonathan F. Reichert (TeachSpin Inc., Emeritus, SUNY Buffalo)

Nuclear magnetic resonance not only remains one of the essential experimental tools of physicists and chemists, but has also become an important diagnostic technique of modern medicine. NMR now is emerging as the basis of the next revolution: Quantum Computing. It seems clear that magnetic resonance studies should be a universal component of the physics undergraduate curriculum. One problem that has plagued the introduction of this topic is the lack of "conceptually transparent" experiments that can be carried out by second or third year students. This talk describes Earth's field nuclear induction experiments that meet these criteria. They allow students to verify Curie's Law, measure the spin-lattice relaxation time in a direct and simple way, directly observe nuclear precession at audio frequencies, observe and understand the difference between T2 and T2* and to measure all of these quantities in samples that contain hydrogen and/or fluorine. It even lets the students "hear" the proton precess in the Earth's magnetic field. We believe these experiments belong in the standard lexicon of intermediate labs for all physics majors.


[BA.002]8:15 What Happens to a Magnet in a Strong" Magnetic Field? An Experiment to Confront Classic Misconceptions.

Barbara L. Wolff-Reichert (TeachSpin, Inc.)

Do you think your students could accurately predict the behavior of a magnetic dipole placed in a uniform magnetic field? Even graduate students often get it wrong! This talk will describe a simple experiment, designed for the introductory lab, which allows students to observe the behavior of a dipole in both a uniform and spatially varying field and helps to dispel major misonceptions about the source of magnetic forces. Using graphs based on a series of simple measurements, students can find the magnitude of the magnetic moment of a small magnet. In the process, they develop an operational definition of the magnetic moment as a way to describe the "strength" of a magnet. The experiment also allows students to study the field gradient along the axis of a single loop of current. Students in calculus based classes, which routinely use the Biot-Savart Law to calculate the field along the axis of a current loop, can use the resulting graph to verify their equations.


[BA.003]8:30 Spreadsheet Laser Dynamics

David Guerra, Jeffrey Schnick (Department of Physics, Saint Anselm College)

Since the first stimulated optical radiation in ruby was reported by T. H. Maiman in 1960, scientists have attempted to better understand laser dynamics by employing computer models of the interaction between photons and ions in the system. In an effort to make these model more accessible to all students, we have developed a conceptual framework in which the laser rate equations can be understood and the step-by-step process for building a model from these equations on a tool now ubiquitous in modern society, the spreadsheet program. We have outlined a set of exercises, which can be done with the model to investigate: the trade off between gain and loss in the laser, the difference between pulsed and constant wave (cw) lasers, and the effect of different pump pulses on the laser output. We have used our conceptual framework as the starting point for an analytical look at the laser rate equations that provides an interesting example of the use of derivatives. This complete set of activities will provide students the opportunity to learn about; coupled differential equations, modeling techniques, and the process of Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.


[BA.004]8:45 Non-cross-disciplinary Cross-disciplinary Education

Ben Blum (Massachusetts College of Art)

I teach physics, mathematics, and astronomy at an art college. The idea of cross-disciplinary education is a natural one in this setting, and I have participated in such in the past. I have found it more useful, however, to show students the creativity involved in my subjects. This is done in two ways. First, I frequently point out the creativity involved in coming up with an idea we study. Second, I show how scientists and mathematicians are dealing with many of the same existential questions as are artists, just in a different fashion. These two approaches allow students to see the deep connections between science and mathematics, and their art.


Session BB - Theory and Experiment.

ORAL session, Saturday morning, November 03
 Rhodes Hall  213

Session Chair: Jeff Williams, Bridgewater State College


[BB.001]8:00 Quark Conservation and the Structure of Leptons

David W. Kraft (University of Bridgeport), Lloyd Motz (Columbia University)

It is widely held that quarks are conserved by flavor only in strong interactions. However this limitation appears to exist only because leptons are considered fundamental, i.e. particles with no structure. If we take conservation of quarks by flavor as a general principle, applicable to weak interactions as well as to strong interactions, we find leptons to be composite particles. We discuss implications for the structure of matter and for conservation laws.


[BB.002]8:15 Effective Masses in Diamond

Benjamin Lax (Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 02139)

The effective masses of holes and electrons in diamond have been estimated from millimeter cyclotron resonance(1) and theoretical calculations(2) respectively. The former is questionable because the interpretation of the data is subject to a revision. Improved experiments at higher fields and temperatures can clarify the situation. The latter requires experiments to verify the theoretical predictions. With recent preparations of phosphorus doped diamond by vapor deposition(3) both cyclotron resonance and Zeeman experiments are now possible. These should yield more definitive values of the electron masses.

1 – C. J. Rauch, Proc. Of Int. Conf. On Physics of Semicon., (1962) 276

2 – M. Willatzen et. al. Phys Rev B 50 (1994) 18054

3 – E. Gheeraer et. al. Diamond and Related Materials 9 (2000) 948


[BB.003]8:30 Nanomechanical Euler Buckling

Stephen Carr, Walter Lawrence, Martin Wybourne (Dept. of Physics and Astronomy Dartmouth College Hanover, NH 03755)

Nanoelectromechanical systems (NEMS) offer the possibility to observe and control certain quantum effects in mechanical structures. Current technology allows top-down fabrication of NEMS with lateral dimensions in the range 10-100 nm, initiating the new and unexplored area of Quantum Electromechanics (QEM). Here we present new theoretical predictions for the quantum fluctuations and excitation energies of free-standing silicon beams and carbon nanotubes, for which the potential function is tuned by compression. In experimental work we have fabricated SiO2 NEMS using a combination of e-beam lithography and plasma etching. We are able to control the strain on a beam through the etching process, thus allowing us to study the mechanical response of structures beyond the Euler buckling instability. Preliminary room-temperature experimental work focused on determination of the mechanical resonance properties will be discussed along with a description of potential low-temperature experimental arrangements allowing access to the QEM regime.


[BB.004]8:45 Orientation of Quadruplex DNA (G-wires) and purported G-wire crystals on Mica.

James Vesenka, Bethany Rioux (University of New England), Matthew Fletcher (University of New Enlgand), UNE Scanning Probe Microscopy Laboratory Team

G-wires are four stranded DNA polymers formed by the self-assembly of simple, G-rich oligomers . G-wires incubated in a growth medium and adsorbed onto mica appear to orient themselves relative to the mica surface structure. Atomic force microscopy and low current scanning tunneling microscopy indicate that G-wires become oriented parallel to the next nearest neighbor sites on mica surfaces. Control experiments with duplex DNA of similar length to the G-wires show no orientation preference. A proposed model, based on the lattice match between adjacent phosphate backbones (0.95 nm) of the G-wires with the next nearest neighbor sites of mica (0.90 nm), is used to explain the preferential orientations G-wires grown for a long time in their growth cocktail have shown exotic behavior, including the appearance of one-dimensional crystals. The robust and flexible character of quadruplex DNA is being examined for its potential to address the molecular wire question.




Post-deadline submissions


9:00 Design and Construction of a Versatile Low-Temperature AC Calorimeter


Department of Physics, WPI, CHARLES C. AGOSTA,

Department of Physics, Clark U.


 Design and construction of a precision AC calorimeter for repeated use down to liquid helium temperatures necessitates both careful use of precision construction techniques and attention to durability under thermal shocks. The purpose of this talk is to do describe the design, construction, and preliminary testing of such

a device. An AC calorimeter, which involves the continuous application

of sinusoidal heat and detection of the induced temperature oscillation,

is useful for studying phase transitions of very small amounts of sample

material. The initial test of the calorimeter was on 3.3 mg of a high-Tc

superconductor about its superconducting transition of  90 K. The

goal is a detailed study of a magnetic ordering transition in a metallo-organic

polymer near 2.2 K.


Session BC - Phenomena.

ORAL session, Saturday morning, November 03

 Rhodes Hall 118

Session Chair: Keith Goodale, Keene State College


[BC.001]8:00 Patentable Method For Relearning To See Properly Without Corrective Lenses Or Corneal Surgery.

ROGER D. MCLEOD (Univ. Mass. Lowell)

An Airy disk radius involves wavelength and focal length, divided by aperture diameter. For human vision, changing light conditions require the pupil to vary its diameter, so wavelength (and focal length) must follow suit. Laser surgery on the human cornea has been a popular "quick fix" which had promised to provide good vision. Bad distance vision is improved at the expense of greatly decreased near vision, or vice versa. The formulation above implies that human vision must maintain a dynamic relationship between its variables. Increasing illumination with decreasing pupil diameter requires decreasing wavelength and focal length. A feedback mechanism is involved to keep the system at its optimum setting. Glasses and contacts cannot satisfy the requirement for dynamic adjustment. A ``better and quicker" Bates vision improvement method is consistent with the physics involved, which "predicts" his, (Land's, and my), results! Decreased nighttime vision, with sometimes-painful symptoms ensuing upon exposure to brighter modern headlights, is caused by a "frozen-in-place" visual system that is abetted by glasses, contacts, or laser surgery on the cornea.


[BC.002]8:15 America's Stonehenge, (A.S.), As a Prototype For Expected Phenomena At ``The" Stonehenge, and Also For Psychophysical Events and Native American ``Manitou."

EDWARD M. MCLEOD (Rumford, ME.), ROGER D. MCLEOD (Univ. Mass. Lowell.)

All ``Stonehenge-type" constructions will have some equivalent of the blue-light beams detectable at A.S. This conjecture includes even the pyramids of Egypt, North, Central and South America. Related apparitions at A.S. are like phenomena at Rumford, ME, and elsewhere. They seem to have been like the precursor events in the experience of the late psychiatrist Arthur Guirdham, and perhaps also of C.G. Jung. Our investigations may indicate they and others could be mistaken about reincarnation beliefs. ``Manitou," where they occur, perhaps were not regarded as ``holy" ghosts, and seem to have implied a specific and conscious awareness of the modern-day equivalent of an applied, practical science. This can perhaps be categorized as signals generated by geophysical events. By this world-view, from events like those at A.S., in Maine, and elsewhere, the equivalent modern descriptor would be that there are no “ghosts", or haunted houses, or TV's which tip over by their influence --- there is only causative electromagnetic field!


[BC.003]8:30 America's Stonehenge, (A.S.), May Also Provide a Window Into a Past Of Ancient, Native American Applied Physicists.

KIMBERELY E ALEXANDER (Middlesex Community College, Lowell), DAVID M MC LEOD, ROGER D MC LEOD (Univ. Mass. Lowell)

New phenomena detected at A.S. in North Salem, NH. indicates that others may have mistakenly attributed an 1800's construction of A.S. to Jonathan Pattee. Stonework there seems to have been to enhance implicit applied astronomy, and may be ``datable", at least in a relative way, by the effect we choose to divulge now. Various team members have detected numerous phenomena here in several different ways. The particular phenomenon we prefer to emphasize at this time may be periodic. It also seems triggered by natural events involving the earth. It, (and ``fish"), can not be ``observed" unless the particular periodicity holds, or if other generating activity occurs. It consists of precursor ``points" or ``blotches" of exceedingly faint blue light. These are followed by distinct and specific detail of a full-size, face-like ``apparition" of an ancient Native American with appropriate decoration: decidedly not an implicit artifact inducible by the purported construction of a ``modern" Irish eccentric. It is certainly not a ghost, either!


[BC.004]8:45 Nova Scotia: ``Feu Follet" At Cheticamp, and Also the Phenomena At L'Sitkuk of the Mi'Kmaw, May Be Electromagnetic In Nature.

MICHAEL ANN OCHS (Environmental Protection Agency, Boston, Mass.), ROGER D. MCLEOD (Univ. Mass. Lowell)

There is a strong tradition that ``feu follet" exists at the cemetery associated with the Acadian French at Cheticamp. It is described as a blue light, and may actually be the equivalent of an ascending, positively charged stream of ions in the atmosphere, just like the blue-light column that is often a precursor of a storm's lightning-strike. Similar phenomena are at America's Stonehenge, at a stone serpent effigy site in Ohio, and just north of the Lakes Memphremagog and Magog of Vermont and Canada. At the Bear River L'sitkuk Reservation area, which seems to us to have been a most unsuitable site, was deliberately chosen by the Mi'kmaw for their living area. Was this because certain properties of the electromagnetic field (EMF) are evident to them there, which also seem to be reflected in their legends? We hope to establish that these disparate cultures and their separate worldviews can be confirmed by the presence of particular EMF signatures. *This paper does not represent the views of the United States Environmental Protection Agency.


[BC.005]9:00 Julia Roberts, Precognition, America’s Stonehenge, (A.S.), Detecting Information From the Past, Mistaking It For “Spirit,” and Defusing Martyrdom Practices Among Religious Zealots.

SAGAMO PAWA MATAGAMON (Pawtucket Lodge, Merrimack River Drainage Basin.)

Julia Roberts claimed to have had a precognitive dream about an orangutan giving her a full-body embrace, in the special about orangutans by the PBS's NY channel 13. When such events do occur for anyone, my research suggests the equivalent of spatial diffraction pattern information about an event can propagate in a backward sense through time. A sufficiently energized transponder is needed, and an appropriately sensitive receiver. Equivalent information from the past is detectable at A.S. Individuals ``experiencing" reincarnation may actually have been impacted by naturally occurring EMF, upon which information-conveying signals from the past have been superimposed. Individuals ``possessed" by spirits could actually be detecting unsettling signals. Native American world-view holds blameless deranged individuals, stating that Tseka'bec or the Great Spirit, perhaps EMF, is at fault. Zealots' expectations of a glorious reincarnation could be defused if rage is an artifact of EMF experiences. Society should attempt such a persuasion.




Abstracts for Contributed Papers, NES-AAPT


 Rhodes Hall 210, Sat. Nov. 3, 8-10 AM


8:00 Using Macromedia Director to Present Sound and Waves in Introductory Physics

Peter Glanz, Rhode Island College, Providence, RI 02908


This talk will illustrate the integration of text, sound and video

into a computer generated presentation in general physics. Having a

CDROM available with this and other presentations makes them

available to anyone with a computer and CD drive because Director is

platform independent.


8:15  Computer-Assisted Education: Interactive Physics Problems

Roman Kezerashvili, New York City Technical College, The City University of New York


A Web based homework and tutoring program has been developed. The presentation will show instructional and interactive software that allows students to fully explore and appreciate the world of physics. This product provides an on-line collection of almost 200 physics practice problems accompanied by detailed hints and solutions. They are available on the World Wide Web. The software is designed to help with problem solving. Within minutes students can check the solution of a given problem, get hints and a solution. The goal is to improve the success rate for students enrolled in algebra or calculus-based physics classes. This software gives students exactly what they need to score well on typical physics exams; lots of practice problems. The system also allows to create a problem by filling out the form and hitting the Send button at the bottom of the form and as a result the problem will be post on the World Wide Web.


8:30 Molecular Dynamics Hypermodels: Supporting Student Inquiry Across the Sciences

Robert Tinker, the Concord Consortium, 37 Thoreau St., Concord MA 01741; 978 371-3476, fax: 978 371-3354,


Rich learning environments can be created by computer-based models and tools, if the software is manipulable and incorporates important content that can be learned through interaction and exploration. Such environments are often so rich that they are hard to learn to use and difficult to integrate into instruction. Pedagogica is an environment that can control model and tool software that permits educational designers to build flexible scaffolding into the software using a script that can be easily modified and delivered over the Internet. The monitoring functions provide sophisticated embedded assessment that can be delivered over the Internet. The combination of Pedagogica with a tool or model creates a hypermodel. Hypermodels are being developed based on probeware, genetics and molecular dynamics models, and the NetLogo programming language. To stimulate collaborative development of hypermodels, the Concord Consortium will make Pedagogica and its hypermodels freely available as open source.


This paper is based on research supported by National Science Foundation grants REC-9980620 and 9725524 to the Concord Consortium, Inc. Any opinions and errors in this paper are those of the authors and not the National Science Foundation or the Concord Consortium.


9:00 Physics Teacher Enhancement & Summer Student Education through Modeling Instruction


James Vesenka, Dept. Physics & Chemistry, University of New England,

11 Hills Beach Road, Biddeford, ME  04005 E-Mail: jvesenka@

Jerry Bodily, Fowler High School, Fowler, CA

Paul  Lake, Buchanan High School, Clovis, CA

Jeff Steinert, Edward Little High School, Auburn, ME


I conducted two teacher enhancement workshops and a “high velocity” algebra-based general physics course this past summer employing the “modeling method”.  Two master modelers from area schools helped to co-lead a three-week, afternoon-only, regional workshop at California State University, Fresno.  For six weeks I ran a general physics course during the summer ostensibly to determine the feasibility of “studio physics”, but also to see if a high speed course to achieve the same results  as an  academic year course.  Later in the summer a single co-leader and I ran an intensive, one-week, follow-up workshop at the University of New England.  Teacher/students were engaged in Socratic dialog both in lecture and laboratory to address alternate conceptions and promote more accurate physical pictures.  Simple hands-on, guided laboratory activities first introduce core models that are later reinforced in lecture.  Though both workshops and the summer course used identical curricular and laboratory materials, surprisingly different audiences were involved.  Remarkably the gains achieved by the all the participants were very similar considering the range of presentations.  Resources from both workshops were made available at a single web site.


9:15 Involving New Science Teachers in Investigative Teaching and Learning

Elizabeth Cavicchi; Dibner Institute for the History of  Science and Technology, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139; 617-258-8198;

Fiona Hughes-McDonnell; Jacob Hiatt Center for Urban Education, Clark University, Worcester MA;


We engaged new teachers of science as investigative learners in a university science education course  that we codeveloped and cotaught.  Course activities included: work with materials; personal investigations of nature and the classroom; reflective writing and discussions of readings and teaching.  The new teachers deepened their understandings of learning through drawing, observing, and investigating. In preparing to take on full classroom responsibilities, these new teachers felt tensions between exam-driven constraints on school curriculum, and the questioning processes of their investigative learning.  In reflection, we feel their work raises a question:  can teacher education courses become places where teaching and learning evolves investigatively?


9:30 Math Short Cuts for Physics & Chemistry

Robert J. McGuane, Adjunct, Quincy College, Quincy, MA; Instructor, Town of Wellesley Continuing Ed.; Owner, RJM Tutoring & Rsch, Wel., MA Worc.St., Wel, MA 02481-4927; 781-235-2055;


The electronic calculator is literally an electronic brain which may be doing too much of the thinking for physics & chemistry students. Math short cuts, such as from the celebrated Trachtenberg System of Basic Math, can demonstrate to the student that arithmetic needed for estimates and self-checking can be fun and easy.  Instructors may even be surprised to see students do exact calculations without the calculator. In addition, methods already taught in the math curriculum may be brought to physics and/or chemistry to give the student even more power to check calculations even problem solutions.


9:45 Sorting Out Intermolecular Forces

Jonathan Mitschele, Associate Professor of Chemistry, Saint Joseph's College

For the serious student of chemistry, physics, or biology, understanding the forces that hold molecules together as liquids or solids is of great interest and importance.  The usual general chemistry textbook discussion of the various intermolecular forces (dispersion forces, dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds) sheds little light on the relative contribution of each to determining the intermolecular potential energy for a particular substance.  I will introduce an empirical relationship between molecular polarizibilities and heats of vaporization of molecular substances that can provide quantitative estimates of the several contributions to intermolecular potential energies.





Saturday Afternoon Contributed AAPT Papers


 2 PM, Nov.3, Science Center 102


2:00pm Effective Workshops for In-service Science Teachers

Sternheim, Morton M.; Physics Department, University of Massachusetts Amherst, Amherst, MA 01003;


Despite extensive reform efforts in science education, student achievement in science is less than desired. There are many reasons, but one is the fact that middle school and elementary school science is often taught by teachers who are poorly prepared for this task. College and high school physics faculty can offer workshops (and courses) for inservice teachers that will strengthen their content knowledge and pedagogic skills. Such workshops should model student-active inquiry-based teaching methods while presenting science content. They should incorporate appropriate educational technology, explicitly address pedagogic and classroom issues and curriculum frameworks, and include college and K12 staff in the planning and delivery. Mixing pre-service and inservice teachers provides some interesting benefits. Some other key points: follow-up sessions are critical; evaluation is important but challenging; include time for reflection and closure; and finally, be realistic about what participants can do in a commuter workshop. Many funding sources are available to support science-teaching workshops.


2:30 Learning about Confusions with Coils through Historical and Experimental Experiences

Elizabeth Cavicchi; Dibner Institute for the History of  Science and Technology, MIT, Cambridge MA 02139; 617-258-8198;


Making and using an instrument of our own construction involves us in confusions of learning from natural phenomena that are not easy to describe without having the experience.  In 1820, Johann S.  C.  Schweigger (1779-1857) explored the magnetic effects of current-bearing wires with a double-loop instrument of his own design.  Its two wire loops are confined to a plane; this puzzled me until I experimentally made wire loops and realized the confusingness of the loop's spatial properties.  Subsequent nineteenth century investigators encountered new, confusing three-dimensional effects when winding electrical coils.  Appreciating these historical confusions can support us in the experimenting we do now, as teachers and students.


2:45 Overcoming Inertia and Jumping onto the Bandwagon

John Burger, Assistant Professor, New England Institute of Technology, 2500 Post Road, Warwick, Rhode Island  02886; (401) 739-5000 ext. 3388;


This paper offers support to the average higher education faculty member who is interested in the possibilities afforded by the new teaching methodologies associated with distance learning but hesitant to begin using them. By overcoming the tendency to wait and see what develops with distance learning before implementing it, the average faculty member can realize many immediate benefits. Having taught several purely online courses and many hybrid courses over the past three years I hope to encourage educators who might be considering utilizing this type of course delivery system. From experience I have come to advocate that what is necessary to make purely online courses successful is to include as many resources as possible. There is a direct relationship between how many students can be successful in the online environment and the number and variety of resources that are supplied to them through the course delivery system.


3:00 Squirrel Teaches Physics

Farzi Najmabadi;

In this preliminary paper few examples are shown as how squirrel can be a model in teaching various topics in physics, where otherwise they prove to be difficult or rather dull for young students.  Topics explored are projectile motion, force and power, gravity and electricity.  Further studies would entail biophysical details, and studies involving other animals.