The Center for Environmental BioGeoChemistry is located in rooms 233, 235, and 237 of Keene State College's Science Center.
Room 237 houses our two major instruments:
A Rigaku ZSX 100e wavelength-dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer equipped with a 4 Kilowatt ultra-thin end-window Rhodium x-ray tube and analyzing crystals, filters, and detectors that enable the analysis of virtually all elements from Boron to Uranium. It also has sub-millimeter-scale spot analysis and elemental mapping capability. |
A ThermoFinnigan Deltaplus gas-source Stable Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer, equipped with both dual-bellows and continuous-flow inlet systems, a universal triple collector, and an H/D dual collector. Interfaced to the mass spectrometer is a Costech Analytical ECS 4010 elemental combustion system, with a zero-blank autosampler. |
The XRF Spectrometer enables the determination of major and trace element compositions, from part-per-million levels up to 100%, of a wide variety of materials, including rocks, soils, sediments, plant material, wood, metals, particulate matter, and more.
The Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer is used to measure the Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen isotopic composition of gas samples derived from air, water, plant or animal tissues, and also from rocks and minerals.
Room 235 houses sample preparation facilities for both the XRF and the Mass Spec.
Major equipment here includes a couple of multi-purpose modular vacuum lines, a NuAire NU156 HEPA-filtered vertical-laminar-flow chemical fume hood for clean acid digestions, microgram and milligram analytical balances, high-temperature furnace, drying oven, automatic fluxer, automated 35-ton hydraulic press, high-speed mixer-mill, and a refrigerated constant temperature bath (see detailed listing). In addition the lab is supplied with 13°C recirculating chilled water for process cooling, and pure water supplied by a Millipore Milli-Q Element water purification system is also available in the building.
Room 233 provides additional space to support student projects and houses field equipment. It also includes a high-efficiency chemical fume hood.
Additional facilities at Keene State College that support the CEB Laboratories include the Geology Department's Rock Sample Preparation Lab, the Biology Department's Greenhouse and other facilities, and the Chemistry Department's Analytical Chemistry Laboratories.
Safety in the Laboratory—Practice Safe Science
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January 2009