Developmental Level/Grade Level: Secondary environmental studies classroom
Topic: Inclusion of various aspects of the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan into a standard environmental studies curriculum.
Discipline focus: Environmental studies
Goals and Rational: The purpose of this unit is to introduce students to the methods and controversies surrounding IPM. Agriculture is a major component of the American economy, and with the establishment of IPM practices on multiple farms around the country, this topic is very relevant and appropriate for students to learn about, especially in todays society. Pollution and global warming are also hot topics currently, and the main purpose of IPM is to reduce the amount of pesticides and other toxic waste products being released into the atmosphere. An environmental studies classroom would benefit from discussing and exploring the many benefits and techniques of IPM, as it is an environmental issue itself, and is also appropriate to use as an example for many of the topics discussed in a regular science curriculum.
Objectives: By the end of the year, students will be competent with:
- Environmental issues
- Ecosystems
- Evolution
- Physical geography and its components
- Pollutants and resolutions
- Political matters concerning the environment
Students will also be able to relate these topics to IPM practices, forming a solid base of knowledge that incorporates both environmental studies and IPM.
Unit Assessment: The following are suggestions for assessment of the overall environmental studies curriculum:
- Students will be given a quiz after each topic area is discussed and completed (topics marked by roman numerals)
- Five to six exams will be given over the course of the year, corresponding to similar topics and themes
- A final, cumulative, exam
To assess what the students have learned about IPM in particular, at the end of the year, the students will be required to design and complete a project (PowerPoint presentation, poster, skit, etc). This project allows students to demonstrate their knowledge of a specific topic or theme discussed during the course that relates to IPM methods, uses, and consequences. The students will be permitted to chose a topic from a list, or generate their own, as long as the product incorporates IPM. It is suggested that students begin working on this project at the beginning of the year by collecting work and information from each unit and creating a portfolio. This will help to make the final product more appealing and successful, and will also facilitate the development of useful time management skills.
Overview: Please see Outline of Environmental Studies Curriculum
Lessons: Sample lesson plans include:
- Earthworm Dissection
- Apple Maggot Case Study
- Transpiration Lab
- Journal Club
Background Information: Please see What is IPM?
References: Please see References