

Cusack, Chris topher. 2005. “ Congo , Democratic Republic of.” In, Encyclopedia of World Geography , edited by McColl, Robert W. Croton-on-Hudson , NY : Golson Books, Ltd.

Cusack, Chris topher. 2005. “ Congo River and basin.” In, Encyclopedia of World Geography , edited by McColl, Robert W. Croton-on-Hudson , NY : Golson Books, Ltd.

Cusack, Chris topher. 2005. “Urban Heat Island.” In, Encyclopedia of World Geography , edited by McColl, Robert W. Croton-on-Hudson , NY : Golson Books, Ltd.

Cusack, Chris topher. 2005. Review of War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility: A Review of the Evidence by Kenneth Hill. In, Regional Studies 39(6): 831.  

Cusack, Chris topher and Pomeroy, George. 2004. “Contemporary Site Location and Urban Growth: An Applied Classroom Analysis.” In, Proceedings of the New England ‑ St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society , edited by Dearden, Brad and Cathleen McAnneny. Vol. XXXIV, pp. 1-9. Portland , ME : The University of Southern Maine .

Cusack, Chris topher. 2003. “A Tale of Two Cities: Development Challenges in Boston and Dublin .” Proteus: A Journal of Ideas 20(1): 21-26.

Cusack, Chris topher, and Harper, Christopher T. 2001. “Racing Through New England : NASCAR and Stock Cars.” In, Proceedings of the New England ‑ St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society , edited by McAnneny, Cathleen. Vol. XXXI, pp. 33-43. Farmington , ME : The University of Maine at Farmington .

Pomeroy, George, Cusack, Chris topher, and David Jackson. 2001. “ New York 's Garden Suburbs: The Birth of Collaborative Genius.” In, From Hudson to the Hamptons: Snapshots of the New York Metropolitan Region , edited by Miyares, Ines M., Pavlovskaya, Marianna, and Pope, Gregory A., pp. 119-125. Washington , DC : Association of the American Geographers.

Cusack, Chris topher, and Rydant, A.L. “ Masonian Land Grants: Property Rights at Issue.” 2000. In, Proceedings of the New England ‑ St. Lawrence Valley Geographical Society, edited by McAnneny, Cathleen. Vol. XXX, pp. 65-73. Farmington , ME : The University of Maine at Farmington .

Cusack, Chris topher, and Witkowski, Christopher. 2000. “GIS in New Hampshire : Retrospect and Prospect.” Studies in New England Geography 15: 1-25.

Cusack, Chris topher. 2000. “Regime Collaboration on a Regional Basis: A Focus on Ohio .” The Pennsylvania Geographer . (XXXVIII) 2: 67-90.

Cusack, Chris topher, and Pomeroy, George. 2000. “ Chatham Village : The Enduring Legacy of Collaborative Genius.” In, A Geographic Perspective of Pittsburgh and the Alleghenies: From Precambrian to Post-Industrial , edited by Patrick, Kevin J. and Scarpaci, Joseph L., pp. 50-55. Washington , DC : Association of the American Geographers.

Cusack, Chris topher. 1999. “Urban Indicators in Three Indian Cities.” In, Preserving the Legacy: Concepts in Support of Sustainability , edited by Noble, Allen G., and Costa, Frank J., pp.105-121. Lanham , Maryland : Lexington Books.

Cusack, Chris topher. 1998. “Urban Planning and Development in Calcutta : Local and Global Issues.” In, Regional Development and Planning for the 21 st Century: New priorities, new philosophies , edited by Noble, Allen G., Costa, Frank J., Dutt, Ashok, and Kent, Robert B., pp. 269-284. Aldershot , England : Ashgatte Press.

Cusack, Chris topher. 1998. “Future Trends: Globalism and Regionalism.” In, Regional Development and Planning for the 21 st Century: New priorities, new philosophies , edited by Noble, Allen G., Costa, Frank J., Dutt, Ashok, and Kent, Robert B., pp. 365-378. Aldershot , England : Ashgatte Press.

Professional Presentations

“ Lowell , Massachusetts : A Profile of the Past, a Profile of the Future.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Denver , Colorado . April, 2005.

“Economic Restructuring and Metropolitan Change: A Classroom Activity.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. Portland , Maine . October, 2004.

“Megalopolis Unbound: The Response from Northern New England .” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . March, 2004.

“New Towns at 100: Celebrating the Centenary of Garden Cities of Tomorrow.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Philadelphia , Pennsylvania . March, 2004.

“Sociability by Design: Assessing Three Generations of Planning Visions.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New Orleans , Louisiana . March, 2003.

“Drug Use in Keene , New Hampshire : Pockets of Abuse and Arrest.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. Montreal , Canada . November, 2002.

“ Baldwin Hills Village : From Garden City Ideals to New Urbanist Appeal.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Los Angeles , California . March, 2002.

“Racing Through New England : NASCAR and Stock Cars.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. New Bedford , Massachusetts . October, 2001.

“Industrial Change and Metropolitan Growth: A Learning Module.” Annual Conference of the National Council for Geographic Education: Vancouver , British Columbia . August, 2001.

“A Tale of Two Cities: Growth and Preservation in Boston and Dublin .” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New York , New York . February, 2001.

“ Masonian Land Grants: Property Rights at Issue.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. Providence , Rhode Island . October, 2000.

“GIS in New Hampshire : Retrospect and Prospect.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. Providence , Rhode Island . October, 2000.

“ Chatham Village : The Enduring Legacy of Collaborative Genius.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania . April, 2000.

“At What Price Progress? Comparing Economics and Culture in Boston and Dublin .” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: New England/St. Lawrence Valley Region. Farmington , Maine . October, 1999.

“Regional Governance in a Global Society.” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: Boston , Massachusetts . March, 1998.

“Globalization and the City-Region,” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers: East Lakes Division. East Lansing , Michigan . October, 1997.

“Regionalism and the City-Region Relationship,” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. Fort Worth , Texas . April, 1997.

“Neighborhood Deterioration and Revitalization: Akron , Ohio ,” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, Joint East Lakes/West Lakes Divisions . Valparaiso , Indiana . October, 1996.

“Comparative Sustainability Policies in Indian Cities,” Annual Conference of the Ohio Academy of Science. Canton , Ohio . May, 1996.

“Urban Planning and Development in Calcutta : Retrospect and Prospect,” Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers. Charlotte , North Carolina . April, 1996.